The Book

Life Worth Living is a practical and compassionate guide for anyone who has experienced a major life role change such as becoming a widow and sole-parent. Use the tools in this book to gain control in an out-of-control situation: Identify, manifest and navigate your course to a full and happy life.

I’ll help guide you to a full and happy life.

What if you knew that you were about to embark on a journey that would mark the moment where you finally stepped up and created a legacy for yourself as well as a path to success for your children?

Who is taking care of you while you take care of everyone and everything else?

I’ll set time to help you. Let me know when you’re free for a strategy session.

Ready to take action!

Now I know for a lot of you, you just wanted the book and that is totally great. I hope you find it helpful. It should be in your email right now. You are welcome to send anyone you know to this page if you think Life Worth Living will help them, as well. But for some of you learning about the results people are having, you’ll want those results in your life, too. And if that is you, I would love to invite you to apply to work with me.

You may not be ready yet, take your time. But, if right now is the time that you want to take action to navigate widowhood and sole parenting to create your own dream true and you want to figure out how to be a competent head of household and the person responsible for your children after your husband passed, and you are sick of waiting to stabilize and move on, then let’s chat.

To take care of yourself and your children while moving through grief and rebuilding your future, fill out the application and set a time for us to talk about what is going on with you.

Otherwise, read the book, take all the time you want. If you want to hold on to this problem a little bit longer, I’ll still be here.

Michelle Hoffmann is the Best-Selling Author of Life Worth Living and creator of the process for transitioning major life role changes to living a full and happy life, as in the case of becoming a widow and sole parent. Transitioning her professional consulting to a more personal one, Michelle has been coaching families through logistics and emotions after loss since 2016. Her clients have recognized the value of a strong coach during a vulnerable time, giving them the solid results they need to create a life worth living rather than crumbling under the pressure of grief. You might see her out for a run along the beach in San Francisco, California with her children and Dalmatian.

Now on Amazon

Even if you had life all figured out, the loss of your husband puts you as the head of household and the only person responsible for your children. Having walked this journey, Michelle Hoffmann shares guidance on how to deal with the unthinkable, like removing your wedding ring, adjusting your social media, and finding the right surrogate to represent at the father-daughter dance.

How do you continue on with your life as a widow and sole parent?

Life Worth Living draws on proven processes and ideas on walking through the logistical, legal, financial, and emotional issues you may face as a widow and sole parent, as well as the psychology and neuroscience of moving through grief and moving on, explaining everything in a way that is easy to understand and apply. Michelle Hoffmann shows you the ways to take care of yourself and your children while moving through grief and rebuilding your future.

In Life Worth Living you’ll learn:

  • The Top 10 things you need to do to avoid losing your assets, job and children.
  • Techniques to support grieving children in the four areas where children are most vulnerable: peer groups, family unit, school, and community.
  • The reasons you get stuck in grief and how to get through it.
  • Tips to enjoy life’s celebrations and milestones with out your spouse.
  • How to support and comfort others while you are moving through your own grief and figuring out what happens next.
  • Healthy coping strategies to communicate with and answer children’s questions.

Life Worth Living shines the light on the resilience Sheryl Sandberg brings in Option B to sole-parenting widows. When you are responsible for taking care of everyone and everything else, read this book to realize you still have dreams of your own, and as Sheryl Sandberg says, “Kick the shit out of Option B.”

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